location2vec: a situation-aware representation for visual exploration of urban locations
Mar 11, 2019·
0 min read

Minfeng Zhu 朱闽峰
Wei Chen
Jiazhi Xia
Yuxin Ma
Yankong Zhang
Yuetong Luo
Zhaosong Huang
Liangjun Liu

Understanding the relationship between urban locations is an essential task in urban planning and transportation management. Whereas prior works have focused on studying urban locations by aggregating location-based properties, our scheme preserves the mutual influence between urban locations and mobility behavior, and thereby enables situation-aware exploration of urban regions. By leveraging word embedding techniques, we encode urban locations with a vectorized representation while retaining situational awareness. Specifically, we design a spatial embedding algorithm that is precomputed by incorporating the interactions between urban locations and moving objects. To explore our proposed technique, we have designed and implemented a web-based visual exploration system that supports the comprehensive analysis of human mobility, location functionality, and traffic assessment by leveraging the proposed visual representation. Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems